Norwegian Kringler

1 cup sugar
1 cup sour cream
1 cup sour milk
1 tsp soda
1 tsp rounded baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp anise seed
Flour, about 5 cups, enough to make dough rollable.

Add soda to sour milk and cream; then add sugar and baking powder mixed with flour. Add anise seed. Sprinkle flour on mixing board and roll out about one-half tablespoon of dough until slightly thicker than a pencil and 16 inches long. Place both ends together, twist dough once and place ends on center of ring of dough. Fill cookie sheet with these shapes and bake in a 350 degree oven about 20 minutes until lightly browned. Serve with butter and coffee.

Recipe submitted by Olive Idso.

Recipe submitted in 1984.

The Norwegian Kringler recipe appeared in the Desserts, Pastries and Sweet Sauces chapter of the 1984 Herron Island Cookbook.


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Recipes in the Unknown Chapter
Recipes Submitted by Olive Idso

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