Sina's Bread

Sina's Bread ready to enjoy!

Sina's Bread

  1. 1 cup water + 80 ml.
  2. 3 tbsp honey
  3. 3 cups Bread Flour
  4. 3 tbsp Wheat Gluten
  5. 3 tbsp Potato Flakes
  6. 1 and 1/2 tbsp Dry Milk
  7. 1 tsp Salt
  8. 1 and 1/2 tbsp Butter
  9. 2 and 1/4 tsp Dry Yeast
This bread can be made in a breadmaker machine OR you can let the dough mixture rise until double in size (about one hour and a half) in a bowl. Then take it out and knead in for about one minute. Then place in a baking loaf pan, covered with a cloth dish towel. Let it rise until it is about one inch above the top of the pan ( about another hour). Then bake for about 35 minutes at 350 degrees. When removed from the oven gently brush with butter and let cool.

Sina's Note: It takes a lot of time but the finished product is really worth the effort!

Submitted by Dave & Sina Clauson

Recipe submitted in April, 2011.


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Recipes in the Breads Chapter
Recipes Submitted by David & Sina Clauson

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